Foundress Director MESSAGE

P.V. Marykutty

Foundress Director

Forty one years ago I met Jesus in a personal way through a charismatic seminar that was held in my college Auditorium. I could deepen my faith by attending the regular prayer meeting that was held in my college auditorium. Reading and meditating the Word of God became interesting for me. The Bible verses very often revealed God’s plan for me. 
Every year on Christmas night I used to listen to the voice of God through the Bible passage, which I used to get with the Christmas gift. For four consecutive years I got the same Word, “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you” (Matthew 6:33). 
I pondered over those words often. I could feel that Jesus was calling me very personally. I trusted in Jesus and left my job and became a full time missionary for him. He is very faithful! He took me to five continents and 30 countries so far with the mission. 
Evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit. If you are willing to be a missionary, He will provide everything. He provides people, team members, facilities, ideas, time and money for the Mission.


Listen, He may be CALLING YOU TOO.