Family as a Ministry

Family as a Ministry

A family is known to be the domestic church. The fundamental ethics and values of a society are to a great extent learnt from the family. Hence families have a greater responsibility to make its members turn towards the word of God, which are truth and life itself. 
Each family is called to be an active participant in our Lord's mission in the world. This could be achieved by directly involving in proclaiming the Good news to the world or by being living examples of the word of God or most ideally by being 'both'. 
We have at Christeen an example of a family fully dedicated to Christ's mission in the world. At the same time, they are a family in all respects, with all its duties and responsibilities. They are in the forefront of every Christeen mission and one of the inevitable factors, after God and His will and plan, who made Christeen come along this long way, which is spread over the last 30 years. 
Biju Thomas and Santhosh. T, threw their lives into God's hands for this mission and had dedicated their time and assets selflessly, for the sake of every child as well as the grown-up, who experienced Jesus through Christeen. It is needless to say each and every incident in the lives of these brothers and their families, where they had to experience painful difficulties, which many a time made them move no further. But in those times of darkness, they could still see the love of God guiding them through, which made them stand strongly for the Lord and His will.
When God became a man to save the humanity, he chose to be born in a family. We at Christeen believe that. As the Holy Family, every family has a great role in sharing Jesus with others.